2 Tips Today (1/16/2020)

As I do a final run through on my slide deck for the sales kick off at TPx, I wanted to share 2 tips from that with you.

First, the Cloud Contact Center space is crowded.

Now that Salesforce, Amazon and twilio have jumped in the space, it is hyper-competitive. Another way to look at it: the ocean of CCC is rising. All boats can rise with the tide. Go out and get your piece of that market.

Remember that Land and Expand is a better strategy than get it all! Line of business managers can buy tech too. The A/P and A/R departments can leverage ACD, IVR and CCaaS as much as the customer care department. Be creative in how you offer functionality to a business or department in order for them to become better, efficient, productive or competitive!

Tip # 2: Microsoft Teams has over 50 million users. MS Teams has 20 million active daily users. That is up 50% in July 2019 when there was just 13M. If you aren’t offering a workplace messaging and collaboration app (MS Teams, Webex Teams, Slack, et al), you are missing out on opportunity and dollars.

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