5 Sales Pro Tips

There are steps to the sales process – prospecting, proposing, objections, closing, service delivery. Get better at any of those steps and your sales improve!

Sales is about Win-win. Sales is about being helpful. It is about getting your customers where they need to be.

Sales requires Trust. The prospect has to know you, like you and trust you to buy from you.

Sales is about Time Management. Do you spend your time busy or productive? On revenue generating activities during money hours?

The better you get at taking aim the easier it will be to sell. A Product/Market Fit is primarily about the prospect needed and wanting what you have to sell. That isn’t mass market. You need to be a sharp shooter because you don’t have time to be using a shotgun.

Listening is just as important as asking the right questions.

Sales is Emotional. Sure, more people are involved in a B2B sales today but if no one is excited about your offer, it ain’t getting bought.

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